Clarendon Scholarship 2024-2025 is a fully funded prestigious grant at the University of Oxford for international students. So, if you like to begin your academic journey in the United Kingdom, the Clarendon Scholarship is a good option.
This article will go into depth regarding this scholarship, its application perks, and the application process step by step.
About Clarendon Scholarship
Clarendon Scholarship 2024-2025 is a fully funded scholarship for overseas students at the University of Oxford. This award is available for graduate and doctoral study. The complete cost of education and a stipend of at least £15,009 per year are covered by this scholarship.
One of the biggest schemes, Clarendon offers the University over 140 new scholarships each year. The Clarendon Scholarship is a highly sought-over, competitive, and prestigious award.
Oxford’s graduate programs are of high quality and are smaller than those in many other countries, allowing for quick career advancement. Our graduate research approach emphasizes your ability to work independently while receiving support from a top-notch academic community. The majority of Clarendon’s academics are working together to get a DPhil, Oxford’s equivalent of a PhD. Scholarships may also be awarded for 2-year degrees (such as the MPhil or BPhil) or one-year degrees (such as the MSc, MSt, MBA, or MFE).
Applications for Clarendon Fund Scholarship are evaluated using the following standards:
- Aptitude for the proposed course of study.
- Academic record.
- Student motivation.
Description of Clarendon Fund Scholarship 2024-205
- Level of Study: Masters, PhD
- Institution(s): University of Oxford
- Study in: UK
- Courses Offered: Scholarships are available to applicants who submit an application for a new master’s or DPhil program before the January admissions deadline. They are available in all academic fields.
- Program Period: Depends on the chosen course.
- Deadline: December or January 2024 (annual) (Course Admission deadlines)

Benefits of Clarendon Scholarship 2024
Clarendon Fund Scholarship offers the recipient the following perks:
- All Clarendon Scholarships fully cover tuition and college fees.
- Full-time students are given an overwhelming yearly award for living expenses, which will be no less than £15,009 for 2024–2025. Students enrolled in part-time courses will get a study assistance grant in order to help with non-fee expenditures. Part-time DPhil and Master’s students could anticipate receiving no less than £2,502 and £5,003 respectively in 2024–2025.
The Oxford Clarendon scholarship is normally awarded for the full period for which students are liable to pay tuition costs to the University of Oxford, which is usually the same as the length of their course.
Why Clarendon Fund Scholarship for Pursuing Your Study?
Oxford Clarendon scholarship is a great option for many reasons, including the following:
1. Fully-funded scholarships
Clarendon provides fully-funded scholarships covering course fees and living expenses for students, reducing financial barriers to graduate study. This allows scholars to focus on their studies, live an active life in Oxford, and enjoy time for relaxation and socialization.
2. Academic calibre
With an emphasis on choosing the top students in the world for their field of study, Clarendon scholarships are fiercely competitive and extremely sought after among Oxford’s graduate community.
3. A diverse community
Clarendon University, renowned for its diverse population, celebrates these differences by admitting students from any discipline worldwide. Whether it’s African Studies or Zoology, Zimbabwe, or Afghanistan, Clarendon will always support the highest-achieving applicants. This diversity fosters interaction and collaboration, fostering a community for all.
4. A vibrant community
Clarendon offers funding and membership to the Clarendon Scholars’ Association, run by scholars themselves, which fosters a positive and stimulating community for members.
Upon arrival in Oxford, fellow scholars often become the first people you meet. The community facilitates connections, sharing ideas, experiences, skills, and initiatives.
5. Clarendon aims to be different
Clarendon stands out from other funding schemes by fostering a vibrant community of bright minds, in addition to offering a graduate experience that inspires excellence at Oxford.
Eligibility Criteria for Clarendon Scholarship 2024
To be eligible for the Clarendon Fund Scholarship, you need to meet all of the following criteria:
- Required Language: English
- Eligible Countries: Students from all over the world are eligible to apply for the Oxford Clarendon scholarship.
- All candidates for graduate studies at Oxford University are welcome to apply.
- All graduate-level degree-bearing courses are eligible.
- Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma courses are ineligible for Clarendon Scholarship 2024.
- Clarendon supports scholars from across the University, without favoring any one field of study.
- Candidates applying to begin a new graduate or PhD course at Oxford can apply. This includes candidates who are currently studying for a graduate degree at the University of Oxford but who will be re-applying for a PhD (you would be eligible for funding for the PhD).
- Applicants for the Clarendon Scholarship who have deferred offers to begin in 2024-25 are ineligible to get this grant.
- This Oxford Clarendon scholarship is not available to current students who will pursue the same degree at Oxford in the next academic year.
Required Documents for Oxford Clarendon Scholarship 2024 – 2025:
- Applicants for the Clarendon Fund Scholarship must provide the following documents:
- Research Proposal (if relevant)
- Personal Statement.
- Documentation of Awards, Certificates, and more.
How to Apply for the Clarendon Fund Scholarship?
Applicants for the Clarendon Scholarship need to follow the following steps:
- Apply by the Clarendon Scholarship 2024 deadline for your course.
- The academics working in your intended area of study will take your application to your course into account. They will evaluate your application’s suitability and academic standing.
- The department will make the ultimate decision about your graduate place and then, they will let you know the result. In order to know more details, check the decision timeline.
- Parallel to this, academics in your department will decide who to nominate to the division for an Oxford Clarendon scholarship according to the selection criteria.
- Although the Department for Continuing Education and the Academic Divisions of the University have different procedures, they both meet in February or March in order to review departmental scholarship nominations.
- The academic divisions evaluate the nominations depending on their academic merit and future potential. Then, the top-ranked departmental nominees within the division are shortlisted for Clarendon.
- After confirming the shortlist, the Clarendon Fund Administrator will get in touch with the winners and will deliver the scholarship offer letter.
- If you get (and accept) a Clarendon scholarship, this means that you can now guarantee your financial support, as long as you fulfill the requirements of your offer of a place to study at the University of Oxford.
- Students will get the Clarendon Partnership Awards in April and May based on the grant criteria. Holders of the Clarendon offer don’t need to provide any further information.
- Each scholar will get a letter describing the funding arrangements after confirming their specific funding package. Final college placements will also be confirmed alongside partnership awards.
- Clarendon will contact all successful Clarendon Scholarship 2024 applicants via email. The bulk of offers are made by the beginning of April every year.
- Since there are so many eligible candidates for the Oxford Clarendon scholarship, unsuccessful students won’t be notified. Please presume that, regrettably, you have not received a Clarendon scholarship if you have not heard from Clarendon by the end of June.
- If nominated students withdraw, a few late nominations could occur during the summer, although this is very uncommon.
The Clarendon Fund Scholarship 2024-2025 is a fully funded scholarship for international students pursuing graduate and doctoral studies at the University of Oxford. The scholarship covers the complete cost of education and provides a stipend of at least £15,009 per year.
The Oxford Clarendon scholarship is highly competitive and prestigious. Evaluation of applications is based on aptitude for the proposed course of study, academic record, and student motivation. The scholarship is available for all academic fields and is open to students from all over the world.
Applicants for Clarendon Scholarship 2024 must apply before the January admissions deadline and follow the application process outlined by the University of Oxford.
FAQS About Clarendon Fund Scholarship
The bulk of Clarendon winners usually have degrees with no less than first-class honors or its equivalent. For instance, a GPA of at least 3.7 on a scale of 4; nonetheless, a lot of Clarendon Scholars surpass this threshold.
Clarendon scholars are among the best and brightest because they are chosen only from among the top students in their area of study from all around the globe.
No. You may bring your offer letter with you to the registration session to remind your institution that you have a Clarendon Scholarship even though they can see it on the student data view system. You don’t need to make any further preparations since Graduate Admissions & Funding will pay the university and college fees immediately.
Every year, the Clarendon Fund awards about 140 full scholarships to graduate students who have excelled in their academic studies from all over the globe
Official Website
In order to get more information about Oxford Clarendon scholarship, please visit the official website:
Clarendon Fund Scholarship Official Website
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